is acknowledged that Using L1 in English classroom has become a common thing in
the process of teaching and learning English. There are some teachers and
students still use their first language during teaching and learning process.
They did not realize about the consequence if they use a first language all the
time in teaching and learning process. Even though, they use code switching. Their assumption is using first language in
English class can avoid misunderstanding between teacher and student. Cook
(1991) said that lesson can be made more Communicative when code-switching is
integrated into the activities which are formulated for second language
teaching. So, this study will analyze about the interference of first language
in EFL classroom.
study just focuses to analyze the interference of using L1 in EFL classroom in
Senior High School that is Madrasah Aliyah Negeri batudaa as object of
studies have explained about the benefit of using L1 in EFL classroom. For
example Villamil and Guerrero analyzed the dialogue of Spanish –speaking
university student. Their data demonstrates that “the first language was an essential tool for
making meaning of text, retrieving language from memory, exploring and
expanding content, guiding their action through the task, and maintaining
dialogue” (p.60). In addition, Hsieh (2000) discovered that using L1 in English
language classroom help the student to improve their ability in reading
comprehension, reading strategy, vocabulary learning and cultural background
knowledge. In the contrary, according to Chaudron et al (1988), Krashen, (1982)
Macdonald (1993), uses L1 in English as foreign language classroom will
obstruct student ability in English language. Student must be developed their
significance amount of target language in class if they want to progress their
target language ability.
on the theories above, there are pro and cons about the using of L1 in EFL
classroom. It is depends on the teacher itself. If they alleviate their first
language in class, it is going to be fine. However, if they use first language
all the time when they are teach, it will be bring the negative effect for
student. Thus, several questions arise: what is using L1 in EFL classroom might
improve student ability in target language? And what is the effect for student
when the teacher uses first language during English learning process?
hypotheses are almost all student and teacher in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Batudaa
still use first language all the time to convey their opinion in English and
use L1 in EFL classroom bring the effect for student to develop their English proficiency,
both negative and positive effect.
of using first language in EFL classroom is very influential in better target
language proficiency. It will be bring the effect for student to develop their
ability in English. Thus, the purpose of this study for knowing what the using
L1 in EFL class is can improve student ability in target language and for
identifying the effect of using L1 in English foreign language classroom. It is
hoped that the information from this study is may be useful to identifying the
weakness and strength about using first language in foreign language classroom.
a. Previous
There are several
studies that has been researched this phenomenon of using L1 in EFL classroom
before. Research result from Yi-chun pan (2010) about the use of L1 in EFL
classroom explained that using L1 in EFL classroom derived from theoretical
perspective. If the teacher uses too much L1 in English class, it can be
decrease student proficiency in English ability. However, using L1 can avoid
miscommunication between student and teacher.
In addition, the result
of research from Dr. Mufeed Jadallah & Dr. Fuad Hasan (unknown year)
maintained that a review of some new trends in using L1 in the EFL classroom
and how the extent of L1 can be developed in EFL learning.
b. Pros
and cons of using L1 in EFL classroom
L1 in EFL classroom is one of main issue that disputed by some experts. They have
their own opinion about this phenomenon. Some experts argued that using too
much L1 in teaching and learning process can be bring the negative effects. Bouangeune,
(2009) said that how the student can improve their ability in target language
if they always relying on their L1. In addition, according to Ellis (1984) several
authors maintain that using L1 all the time during teaching process might be
decrease valuable input of L2. Thus, the use of L1 in the EFL classroom started
to be seen as uncommunicative, uninteresting, meaningless and irrelevant (Harmer,
2001). In other words, this method was challenged for doing ‘‘virtually nothing
to enhance students' communication ability in the language'' (Brown, 2000:16).
there are some experts that support of using L1 in EFL classroom. They argued
that, switching target language (TL) to L1 might be effective method to
developing student proficiency in target language. Brooks and Donato (1994)
argued that the L1 assists
students to transfer meaning and communicated successfully. Furthermore, the
use of l1 may help student in decreasing emotional obstacles and developing
their self-confidence to comprehend the target language (Atkinson, 1987;
Aeurbach, 1993; cook, 2001; harbord, 1992; jhonson & lee, 1987; kang, 2001;
Kern, 1989). For example Seng and Hashim (2006) indicated that the student who
has lower proficiency in target language should be allowed to switch target
language to first language, because they usually have problem to express their
opinion confidently. Likewise, Sue swift (2006) in her site stated that “When students are trying to say something but having
difficulty, they can say it in their own language and the teacher can
reformulate it for them, possibly rephrasing and simplifying to show them how
they could have expressed themselves within the language they already know”.
of research
this research, author use qualitative method that is in the form of statements
or data that is generated in the form of case study that is a deep research
about an individual, a group, an organization, a program of activities, and so
on within a specified time. As qualitative research data acquisition procedure,
the data obtained from the case study interviews, observation, and archive
(Mudjia Rahardjo, 2010). In this study, the writer chooses MAN Batudaa as
subject of research. The reason, writer choose MAN Batudaa because, almost all
student has lower proficiency in English. It is prove that, some of student can
not delivered their opinion in English and also they have less vocabulary. It cause
by, the teacher use Bahasa Indonesia all the time during teaching and learning
process and do not offer the student to delivered their opinion in English. In the process of collecting the data, the
author will be holding observation in school that is observing teaching and
learning process in the classroom whether teacher use the first language to
conveying their material or not. After that the writer interviewed student and
teacher. For teacher, the author will ask about how frequency of teacher uses
first language in teaching process and do students understand when teachers use
English in presenting the material. Then, for student the writer will ask about
whether students are confident when the teacher ask them to express their
opinions using the English language and which one they
like, teacher use first language in this case Bahasa Indonesia all the time, or
teacher switch the language or teacher use English all the time during class.
In addition, the writer will give a question in multiple choices to test their
English proficiency. After the writer holds the interview, the writer collects
the data and make into archive form and conclude it. After all the data are
collecting, the writer is going to analyze the data. The process is match the
data obtained with the theories that are in use. Then, answer the hypothesis
and research question base on the data finding. After that the writer analyzes
the data finding and make conclusion about it.
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